Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Dear Posey... you are five.

Well little girl I cannot honestly believe it but you are five years old, five already!  I am not sure how we have got here so quickly and yet it seems as though I can barely remember a time where it was just your daddy and I.

You are growing into such a wonderful person P, you are bright, you are sassy and you are ever so caring.  Right now your favourite things to do are draw and write.  You are so determined to read and write which is just fantastic.  You can be quite hard on yourself, it seems we may have a little perfectionist on our hands.  I hope to try my best to teach to you to be kind to yourself, these things will come, there's time yet my darling.  We were so amazed by your confidence when we went ice-skating in Copenhagen, you went straight for it round and round the rink on your own like the super star that you are!

You recently learned how to swim without your life jacket and your face beams with pride each time you manage to swim a width or two of the pool.  You have your daddy and Sally to thank for this.  I love watching you in the pool, I think it is most probably your favourite thing about living in Abu Dhabi!

You miss your family in England and I know you find that hard, you've had such a wonderful Christmas with them all and it was lovely to watch you bond with everyone.  You spent time doing everybody's make-up on Christmas Day and Boxing Day which was so funny and so cute too.  Great Nanna looked fantastic! :)

In this letter to you I also wanted to say sorry.  I am sorry for being a shouty mum and I am sorry for not always taking the time to play with you.  You mean the absolute world to me and I feel like I stumble my way through my firsts as a mother with you.  You are my first, you are the little one that made me a mother - I am learning a long with you and I hope that you can forgive me for any mistakes I make and I hope you know how proud I am of you.

I love you so much sweet Posey Margaret Ivy, Happy fifth birthday.

Love you to the moon & back, always.


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